The Way of the Craftsman

A blog about Clean Code and Test-Driven Development among other stuff

Hello, World ! I'm Thomas Bénard, a Software Craftsman working at beNext

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Post History

The DRY principle is NOT about code duplication
21 June 2018
DRY is one of the most famous principles in the field of software programming. And yet, it is heavily misunderstood.

Can programmers have negative productivity ?
18 January 2018
All to often, we think we have moved a little bit farther every time we move a sticky note to the “Done” column. And what if we had actually moved backward ?

A simple dependency breaking technique
27 May 2017
Unit testing is hard. Particularly when working with legacy code. Here is one simple refactoring technique for breaking dependencies.

Clean Code - how long should functions be ?
26 March 2017
We almost all agree that functions should be small. Big functions are hard to maintain, hard to test, hard to name, hard to call. They simply are hard to work with. But how small exactly ?

Clean Code - Does it really matter ?
22 January 2017
Have you ever met code that was so opaque that it took you hours to understand what a single function was doing ? If you have any kind of experience programming, chances are that you did.